Just to begin this post, all of these spiders are non-exotic, making them tameable by all hunters. Their special ability is Web, which holds the target in place for 5 seconds. They are Tenacity pets, making them excellent for PvP. They are all level 85, and cannot be found unless you have completed up to the quest Tortolla's Revenge in Mount Hyjal, and have started the daily questline at the Sanctuary of Malorne far enough to get into the Molten Front through the portal in the Regrowth. The portal opens after you turn in your first set of 20 Marks of the World Tree. I did all of these tames at level 85 and had a lot of fun with the experience, though now at 90 I believe they would be quite a bit easier with Binding Shot having been added into the game. A tip for checking if they are up is using Eagle Eye so that you don't waste your time walking around, as the Molten Front counts as an outdoor area.

I've added a map here with all of their names, as well as a dot for where each of them spawn that is color coordinated with the ring around their image. I hope this helps in locating them for some. Now on to how to tame each and every one of these lovely molten spiders:

Deth'tilac (54322), the purple and ice blue one. His mechanics make him probably the hardest tame in all of Cataclysm and WoW so far, along with the patience required and the possibility of someone ruining the tame for you. The pet sacrifice, kite with a trap, resurrect pet, and repeat tactic is likely the one I would try, as it is the one I've had the best results from. The reason for the sacrifice is that every time Deth'tilac has someone in melee range, he will use an ability called Deth Strike, which is an instant one shot, but it drops him by 10% health. Since you can only tame him BELOW 20% health, getting something (like a pet) or someone (like a friend) to die to it for you seems to be very helpful. Using friends to help you can also work, but just be careful not to kill him on accident. Also to note, just because he is below 20% doesn't mean he will stop Deth Striking. He still does it so make sure to not get in his melee range while taming.

Solix (54321), the orange one, I simply completed my quest and kited him around the Igneous Depths room whilst using Concussive Shot on cooldown. The easiest way you can tame him is without even having the quest to go into his cave, and the adds the quest spawns won't spawn on you. I used to heat vents in the area to jump around ledges to save time running. Aspect of the Cheetah can also help here, just be careful of adds if they spawn from someone else on the quest and be aware of your Concussive Shot, as when it falls off he moves very quickly.

Anthriss (54338), the yellow one, in the Molten Springs, I just sat in a pool of magma and tamed him. Was very simple, as this allowed me to avoid his mechanics completely. A tip to reduce your damage taken if you are below 90: During the Magmolias daily, picking up Magmolias gives you a temporary buff that absorbs fire damage, so avoiding the lava damage completely is possible with that buff.

Kirix (54323), the green one, I traveled up the floating rocks just past the Furnace on Fireplume Ridge. It helps to do the Druids of the Talon Mark turn in and dailies up to that point before this, as they can carry you back up to the start if you fall, thus avoiding death. From there, I just stood on the ledge, and waited for Kirix to past within range of my shots. I then allowed him to evade, and waited for him to start casting his poison, then popped deterrence to avoid it, hitting tame just as deterrence proc'd. You have to make sure he starts to cast that, otherwise he will be evading and the tame will fail. It may take a few tries, but patience helps on this one.
Skitterflame (54324), the red one, starts with 100 energy which prevents him from being tamed. As long as his energy is above 20, his buff persists. What you need to do is drop his energy below 20. To reduce his energy, I used the Freezing Trap method. This will freeze him and give debuff that reduces his energy every second. The trap will break once the debuff ends, so keep your defensive cooldowns for this, as you have to wait out your Freezing Trap cooldown with him hitting you. He can be kited with Concussive Shot, but be careful, as if he runs through lava, his energy with refill to 100 and you will have to start the process all over. You should be watching his energy carefully though, because if it reaches 0, he will die. For this tame, I actually had a really nice random druid come along and root him for me right as he got to 20 energy, so I skipped the cooldowns all together aside from Readiness to get an instant Freezing Trap refresh. So bringing a druid friend to this can be very helpful for this tame.
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