Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ban'thalos, Magria, Ankha + Terrorpene: The Rares of Mount Hyjal

Ban'thalos (54320) is a level 85 Spirit Beast in the Regrowth of Mount Hyjal. Ban'thalos was actually quite a pain to tame for me. His moonfire DoT was killing me everytime, and it was making it quite frustrating for me to tame him, as my traps weren't taking for him. So I had my boyfriend (a rogue) come and help me. I got on top of tallest tree behind the Malorne statue at the Sanctuary of Malorne, and got onto the tip top of it, making sure I could mount there without falling down. I flew up, Arcane Shot'd Ban'thalos, and MD him to my boyfriend (who was also on the tree). He popped a smoke bomb to avoid the hit of the Moonfire then vanished, where I took aggro, and was able to complete the tame. Not exactly the way it's supposed to be done, but just a suggestion. Other than this, it is said people have just been able to Freezing Trap him, and I have seen this work before as well. I guess I was just having a bad day. I would also like to add that Ban'thalos will not show up unless you have completed up to the quest Tortolla's Revenge in Mount Hyjal, and have started the daily questline at the Sanctuary of Malorne. Ban'thalos is an exotic Spirit Beast and therefore must be tamed by a hunter with the Beast Mastery tree. When he flys, his wings have a glow that follows them as they flap, leaving light green streaks of gust in the air.

Magria (54319) and Ankha (54318) I found quite easy to tame, considerring I knew how to ahead of time. Magria is the blueish one, and Ankha is the greenish one. I had already saved a set with no armor to my armor sets on my character pane, so it saved me a lot of time. It's essential to do this, as the higher your armor rating, the more damage you take from both of these cats. They are immune to traps, and move quite quickly. I would recommend following them to find a good spot without mobs to tame them, as there are quite a lot of mobs in the Regrowth. I would also like to add that these two will not show up unless you have completed up to the quest Tortolla's Revenge in Mount Hyjal, and have started the daily questline at the Sanctuary of Malorne. It's a fairly easy tame as long as you remove your armor. They are both level 85 Spirit Beast, and therefore require the Beast Mastery tree to tame.

Terrorpene (50058) was a little annoying, as he hits decently hard at level 85, let alone 81. I would recommend having haste gear/pots etc during this tame, as he left me with 5.3k once I was done taming him at 85. His Burning Hatred DoT hits quite hard every tick, especially for a lower leveled hunter, so be warned. Popping Deterrence before hitting tame would probably be helpful. He is non-exotic, and therefore can be tamed by all hunters.

(Side Note: Terrorpene is a bit off in his picture, as he doesn't quite light up in flames like he would in-game on wowmodelviewer. His shell has more of a lava-like glow between his shell spikes in game.)

I've added a map here with all of their names and images, as well as a dot for where each of them spawn that is color coordinated with the ring around their image. I hope this helps in locating them for some.

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