Type: Exotic
About: Level 80 Rare Elite Spirit Beast
Location: Storm Peaks
Spawn Timer:
NPCScan: /npcscan add 35189 Skoll
How To: Make sure you are within Tame Beast distance. Throw a Freeze Trap down at your feet. Use Tame Beast. This should freeze him when he jumps to you, making you safe during your tame.

Name: Gondria
Type: Exotic
About: Level 77 Rare Elite Spirit Beast
Location: Zul'Drak
Spawn Timer:
NPCScan: /npcscan add 33776 Gondria
How To: Make sure you are within Tame Beast distance. Throw a Freeze Trap down at your feet. Use Tame Beast. This should freeze him when he jumps to you, making you safe during your tame.
Name: Arcturis
Type: Exotic
About: Level 74 Rare Elite Spirit Beast
Location: Grizzly Hills
Spawn Timer:
NPCScan: /npcscan add 38453 Arcturis
How To: Make sure you are within Tame Beast distance. Throw a Freeze Trap down at your feet. Use Tame Beast. This should freeze him when he jumps to you, making you safe during your tame.
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