Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ghostcrawler, Madexx + Jadefang: The Random Cataclysm-Zone Rares

Ghostcrawler (50051) is a level 85 Spirit Beast. He hits really hard, and cannot be trapped or slowed. To tame him, just pop Deterrence and then tame. He is a neutral mob, and wanders around the Abandoned Reef. At times, he can go invisible, so keeping track beasts on and try to follow him in order to find him. It's pretty grey down there, so his blue sparkly shell should show up pretty well. He is an exotic pet, and requires the Beast Mastery tree to tame.

Madexx is an interesting fellow. He comes in a five different colors, and is a level 84 Skorpid that spawns in Uldum. He is a non-exotic pet, and can be tamed by all hunters. I used the Freezing Trap and tame trick on him. And it worked like a charm.

Madexx NPCScan IDs:
Black: 51403
Blue: 51404
Brown: 50154
Green: 51402
Red: 51401

Jadefang (49822) is a level 85 Shale Spider in the Crumbling Depths of Deepholm. I camped Jadefang for about 8 hours (12 pm to 8 pm), and did the DC method to get onto his ledge (9/13/11,  it still works). To get onto his ledge WITHOUT the daily, you need to ride in on a flying mount while auto-running. I did this on a 280% mount. About a second after I got past the mouth of the cave, I disconnected my internet and went to the LEFT at the first tunnel fork. Then once in the room with the floating rock particles, you should see a ledge up to the left hand side. Fly towards that and about 15-20 yards from it, reconnect to the internet. As soon as you land, /reload to reload your UI. If you did this right, you should see purple shale spiders walking around you. If not, you will disconnect and need to try again. It took me a few times to get this right. Another method is to wait for the daily Underground Economy, found inside the cave from a goblin named Ricket. To use this method, you will want to go to the right at the first fork this time, then continue past the dead end into the room with the floating rock particles. Continue straight into the tunnel to the left. Take the first left you see out of that tunnel, and you should be on a ledge looking up at a ledge a little higher than your reach. What you want to do is position yourself so that if something blew you up, you would fly directly onto this ledge. Place the quest item bomb down in front of you, and you should fly backwards onto the ledge. If it doesn't work the first time, just try again. Patience is key with this tame. Once you are in the cave with him, just pop Deterrence and tame. He is immune to traps, so you'll just have to take him head on. Jadefang is a Shale Spider, which means he is exotic and requires the Beast Mastery tree to tame.

I've added three maps here with all of their names and images, as well as a dot for where each of them spawn that is color coordinated with the ring around their image. I hope this helps in locating them for some.  

Monday, May 16, 2011

Aotona, Loque'nahak + King Krush: The Rares Hidden in the Sholazar Basin

Aotona (32481) is fairly easy. Aotona can be trapped, which makes this tame pretty simple. I would just Freezing Trap it, and tame. Even in the 75-80 range, I would rate this tame fairly easy. Aotona is non-exotic, and therefore can be tamed by all hunters.

Loque'nahak (32517) was an easy tame, but a pain to find. I camped him for a ton of time over the past 2 years, finally taming him today. I recommend the Freezing Trap method, but be warned, he does pounce at first, so if you can, either place the trap at your feet and back up, or be ready to place it as soon as he is in your face. At 76-80, he, as with most rares, hit decently hard, so I would suggest being careful during this tame (although the trap really should save you the trouble). He is exotic, and requires the Beast Mastery tree to be tamed.

For King Krush (32485), the tame was actually quite annoying, even at 85. I would recommend to this day having some haste gear, as his fearing can sometimes get in right before your tame finishes casting. He is an exotic pet, and therefore requires the Beast Mastery spec to tame. He doesn't hit very hard at 85, but for a 75-80, I can see how this tame would be not only frustrating, but difficult. He ignored my trap, and therefore is just one of those tames where I would just jump in, deterrence, and try your luck.

I've added a map here with all of their names and images, as well as a dot for where each of them spawn that is color coordinated with the ring around their image. I hope this helps in locating them for some.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Skoll, Gondria, + Arcturis: The Random Northrend-Zone Spirit Beasts

Name: Skoll
Type: Exotic
About: Level 80 Rare Elite Spirit Beast
Location: Storm Peaks
Spawn Timer:
NPCScan: /npcscan add 35189 Skoll
How To: Make sure you are within Tame Beast distance. Throw a Freeze Trap down at your feet. Use Tame Beast. This should freeze him when he jumps to you, making you safe during your tame.

Name: Gondria

Type: Exotic
About: Level 77 Rare Elite Spirit Beast
Location: Zul'Drak
Spawn Timer:
NPCScan: /npcscan add 33776 Gondria
How To: Make sure you are within Tame Beast distance. Throw a Freeze Trap down at your feet. Use Tame Beast. This should freeze him when he jumps to you, making you safe during your tame.

Name: Arcturis
Type: Exotic
About: Level 74 Rare Elite Spirit Beast
Location: Grizzly Hills
Spawn Timer:
NPCScan: /npcscan add 38453 Arcturis
How To: Make sure you are within Tame Beast distance. Throw a Freeze Trap down at your feet. Use Tame Beast. This should freeze him when he jumps to you, making you safe during your tame.