Sambas (50159) is the newest rare spawn lion in World of Warcraft. Sambas is a level 85 Cat in Twilight Highlands. I found the tame to be fairly easy myself. I just used the Freezing Trap and tame method, avoiding all damage from him. He is a non-exotic pet, and can be tamed and used by all hunters.
Karoma (50138) is a rare Spirit Beast from Twilight Highlands. He spawns relatively around the center of the map, around the big purple starfish looking thing, as well as some spawn points in the south. He is a spectral wolf that is a light blue color. He is a hostile mob, so be careful when you approach him. I used the Freezing Trap and tame method on him, placing the trap in the path of where he would run for Tame Beast. It worked like a charm. He is a level 85 Spirit Beast, and he is exotic, and therefore requires the Beast Mastery tree to tame.
I've added a map here with all of their names, as well as a dot for where each of them spawn that is color coordinated with the ring around their image. I hope this helps in locating them for some.